Hydrosheds shape file download

Drainage direction dem clipped with the drin basin figure 10. The goal of developing hydrosheds was to generate key data layers to support regional and global watershed analyses, hydrological modeling, and freshwater conservation planning at a quality, resolution. Edits and updates to the nhd and wbd are made by stewards and processed and made available in the national dataset distribution by the usgs. The entire package is available at the link provided. Lake polygons including all attributes in a shapefile 782 mb zip file. This data is derived from elevation data of the shuttle radar topography mission srtm at 15 arcsecond resolution approx. Its purpose is to improve access to and integrated use of spatial data and information. The global coverage of hydrorivers encompasses a total of 8. River basin delineation based on nasa digital elevation data. National land cover dataset 1992 nlcd 92, mrlc2001 multiresolution land cover data lulc, global land cover. The data can be downloaded in 4 different formats click on the zipfile link for download. Lake pour points including all attributes in an esri geodatabase 78 mb zipfile. Lake polygons including all attributes in an esri geodatabase 727 mb zipfile.

Generalized boundaries for political and physical features in shapefile format. It offers a suite of georeferenced data sets vector and raster at various scales, including river networks, watershed boundaries, drainage directions, and flow accumulations. This database provides the firstever compilation of the worlds river basins developed specifically for corporate disclosure. Two dams on the elwha river, washington state, usa trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the rivers coastal delta. Hydrosheds bas africa drainage basins watershed boundaries at 30s resolution jun 25, 2010 last modified may 12, 2011. Geonetwork the portal to spatial data and information. Microdem supports many types of data and data formats. Interactive database of the worlds river basins home. Future estimates ciesin, fao, ciat data containing unadjusted population counts and density grids in arcinfo grid format provided the main source for population estimations. Hydrosheds usgs this site allows you to download hydrography gis data for the globe. It offers a suite of georeferenced data sets vector and raster at various scales, including river networks, watershed boundaries, drainage. Hydrorivers is a database aiming to provide the vectorized line network of all global rivers that have a catchment area of at least 10 km2 or an average river flow of 0. Hydrological data and maps based on shuttle elevation derivatives at multiple scales watershed shapefiles at fao european catchment characterisation and modelling ccm river and catchment database, version 2.

Avoid esri e00 format and spcs data if possible, and never get erdas imagine data some data sets consist of multiple files, and you must pick the correct file to open the data set. Users can subset and download data by area of interest in multiple formats geotoff and netcdf and. R i v e r b a s i n d e l i n e a t i o n u s i n g h y d r o sh ed s. Shapefile 9114 citation 5869 ogc web service 3495 raster 2384. Boundaries of subnational administrative districts. The set of tools enables end users to manipulate, process, and improve hydrosheds data with a userfriendly graphical interface. Downloadable as a database dump under a creative commons license. Gis user can download shapefiles free of cost from open street map of any part of the earth.

Srtm elevation data were obtained by a specially modified radar system that flew onboard the space shuttle endeavor during an 11day mission in february of 2000. Over 8 million geographical features with name, feature class, and latitude and longitude. This usgs site offers downloads in geodatabases or shapefiles of the usgs national gap data on species and landcover by region, state or land cover class. County distribution for the climate change vulnerability of 41 newly assessed species is available for download. In this script, we use data from the hydrosheds database to illustrate some functionalities of salem maps. A set of three extensions for use with esri arcview software version 3. The hydrosheds dataset was derived from srtm elevation data, while the hydro1k and grdc datasets were derived from the gtopo30 elevation dataset. Marine ecoregions of the world meow is a biogeographic classification of the worlds coasts and continental shelves. Hydrosheds, hydro1k, and the grdcs major river basins of the world.

Tool to convert a shapefile with polygons to a raster grid with in each cell the area fraction of polygons overlying the grid cell. The data can be downloaded in 4 different formats click on the zip file link for download. It features a comprehensive list of river basins worldwide, including their names, boundaries, and other helpful information. Currently, there are three authoritative sources of global hydro data out there, all available free to the public for noncommercial use. Click basin to lock in display and enable downloading. Using the hydrosheds database at 15 arcsecond resolution, watersheds were delineated in a consistent manner at different scales, and a hierarchical subbasin breakdown was created following the topological concept of the pfafstetter coding system. Shapefiles a solution to hydrological modelling searchs. Landcover products from the usgs landcover products include. Dataportal biofresh the network for global freshwater. Download the administrative boundaries for indonesia. The primary data source of hydrosheds is the digital elevation model dem of the shuttle radar topography mission. The hydrosheds data are being developed for all landmasses of the globe north of 56 south i. The data shows the subbasins of the nam co lake catchment in tibet.

Use the clip function in arcmap or qgis to clip the watersheds within the country. For now, the tool is applied on preprocessing the hydrolakes and grand datasets into ctsm raw input data for lake area fraction. The global hydrosheds 20 and hydro1k 21 datasets were used in. Lake polygons including all attributes in a shapefile 782 mb zipfile.

As per title, i am wondering if is it possible to find on the web a free resource for gis shapefiles georeferenced of the mediterranean basin, or even of the whole europe and northern africa. Lake polygons including all attributes in an esri geodatabase 727 mb zip file. Drini basin exported and saved as a new feature class figure 9. Geonetwork opensource allows to easily share spatial data among different users. Hydrosheds hydrological data and maps based on shuttle elevation derivatives at multiple scales is a worldwide program that collects hydrographic information for regional and global scale applications in a consistent format. If you have the shape file, select the blue nile basin shape and there should be an active option in arcgis toc table of content to save the selection as a separate shape file. River basin delineation based on nasa digital elevation data nov 26, 2019 t u t o r i a l. The vector data sets distributed with hydrosheds, i. The resulting polygon layers are termed hydrobasins and represent a subset of the hydrosheds. A global dataset of river network geometry scientific data. A hydrosheds shapefile typically consists of five main files.

Geonetwork opensource provides internet access to interactive maps, satellite imagery and related spatial databases. I am trying to rasterize a shapefile with python using ogr, but if you know to do with other libraries as fiona, i am interested in too. A new global lakes database for a remote sensing program studying climatically sensitive large lakes. Can anyone recommend any gis shapefiles of mediterranean. National hydrography datasets are updated and maintained through a strong community of stewards and users who have local knowledge about the streams where they live and work. Recently available data derived from hydrosheds include comprehensive layers of major basins and smaller subbasins 1002,500 km2 across the globe. Data download from the hydrosheds site for our area of interest figure 6. A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through cssbased design. National geospatialintelligence agency the nga is focused on imagery and map based resources for us national defense and security. This free program was originally designed by wwfcsp.

Explore by the topics below and find our data and tools are the digital information in a format suitable for direct input to software that can analyze its meaning in the scientific, engineering, or business context for which the. Downloadable in shapefile, geodatabase, kmz, or r formats. The wildfinder application enables users to visualize global distribution of animal species based on the wwf terrestrial ecoregion maps. This tutorial is related with gis data that can be downloaded free of cost. We navigate between the various tributary catchments of the. Make a subset of all watersheds larger than 50 sqm2 and save it as a layer. Hydrosheds is a mapping product that provides hydrographic information for regional and globalscale applications in a consistent format. The hydrosheds package provides a suite of various raster and vector data sets, covering many of the common derivative products used in hydrological analyses. Since the shape files were large in size, i have attached the shape files on my blog site and you can download it.

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